Energy Reduction

Minimizing energy consumption while continuing to grow our company is a key focus at Oil-Dri. We have implemented several energy savings projects that contribute to ongoing efforts of reducing our impact on the environment. We concentrate on measures that reduce energy consumption, decrease negative effects on the environment, and ultimately result in savings for the company. Investing in energy efficiency is beneficial for Oil-Dri, its stakeholders, and the fight against climate change. These endeavors exemplify Oil-Dri’s commitment to creating a healthier planet.
Our manufacturing facility in Taft, California has championed several energy savings projects. Our new solar energy project will allow the facility to harness energy from the sun via a system of approximately 1,500 solar panels and inverters. With the use of these panels, we will reduce our use of electricity, natural gas and other sources of energy and will utilize net zero energy metering. We also have added 6 efficient microturbines that will operate in Combined Heat and Power (CHP) mode. This will allow us to decrease our fuel usage and related emissions into the air by co-generating power and latent heat used in our drying processes. The factory has also deployed the use of magnetic slip drives that reduce peak power consumption during start-up and shutdown periods. We have upgraded and modernized our compressed air systems, with variable speed capabilities to generate only the necessary air flow and pressure with the least horsepower consumption.
At four of our manufacturing facilities, we have replaced old fluorescent light fixtures with highly efficient LED lights to reduce electricity use. By burning less energy and requiring fewer replacements, LED bulbs reduce carbon emissions and landfill clutter. In addition, LED lights do not contain mercury, making them recyclable. Motion sensor lighting was also installed in warehouse locations in order to conserve power when not in use. A reduction in electricity consumption as a result of LED bulb replacement and motion sensors at these manufacturing facilities resulted in energy savings for the company.
On a portion of our reclaimed property in Georgia, the Georgia Power company has installed a solar farm which generates clean energy utilized by our company, the local power grid, and community at large. These panels generate carbon neutral energy which our company is able to utilize and supports the local power grid and community by generating clean energy for all. Oil-Dri is proud to be able to take advantage of this renewable energy source and to support the local utilities’ efforts to produce clean energy.