Fluids Purification

Oil-Dri’s reputation as experts in fluids purification dates back over 30 years. Our trusted products are distributed to over 60 countries worldwide. They are created from one of our unique minerals that features a large, highly active surface area that is ideal for removing color bodies and impurities from a variety of plant-based and petroleum oils.


Oil-Dri’s Bleaching Earth products provide refiners with a range of options, allowing for optimized performance in various refining processes and oils.


Oil-Dri’s Silicates are specially modified for the removal of soaps, metals, and phospholipids to help in the production of clean, quality edible oils and biodiesel feedstock that meet the most demanding specifications.


Oil-Dri’s Clarification Media is a high-performance adsorbent that removes polar compounds and metals from jet fuel and mineral oils to assure it meets product specifications such as thermal stability, microseparometer, and water reaction.

Oil-Dri’s Metal series of adsorbents have ideal properties for use in the pretreatment of vegetable oil or animal fat feedstocks destined for the renewable diesel market.

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